National Institute of Research in Gastroenterology “Saverio de Bellis”

National Institute of Research in Gastroenterology “Saverio de Bellis” logo

The National Institute of Research in Gastroenterology “Saverio de Bellis” (IRCCS-DEB) is an hospital and research center specialized in the field of gastroenterology. The Institute is a recognized IRCCS (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico) by the Italian Ministry of Health.

The main topic of IRCCS-DEB is the clinical and translational research and the organization and management of healthy service in National health system. In the health regional network, the role of IRCCS-DEB is to join the activity of a predominantly surgical gastroenterological, endoscopic and hematological gastroenterology, as well as excellence in the metabolism and nutrition disorders. The Institute is a regional reference center for acute, chronic, and neoplastic diseases of the digestive tract and for gastrointestinal rare disease.

The research activities of IRCCS-DEB are divided into 3 lines of research: Precision Medicine in gastroenterology, Preventive/Predictive Medicine in gastroenterology, Participatory Medicine in gastroenterology

The Institute IRCCS-DEB includes different specialized research units (Personalized Medicine, Medical Genetics, Molecular Medicine, HTA, Epidemiology Biostatistician data science unit and clinical trial unit, Nutritional Biochemistry, Digestive Physiopathology and Animal Facility). Every research unit shares equipment with other laboratories to improve experimental procedures, and all the expertise and the equipment required for carrying out the project are available.

In the field of oncology, IRCCS-DEB is a member of the Ministry of Health's network of oncology IRCCS centers, "Alliance Against Cancer" (ACC).