The Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori "Dino Amadori"

The Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori "Dino Amadori" logo

IRCCS-IRST The Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori "Dino Amadori" - IRST is an IRCCS (institute for hospitalisation and care of a scientific nature) dedicated to treatment, research, and training in the field of oncology. Although IRST is a subject of the Health Service in the Emilia-Romagna Region and operates following the most accredited international experiences, it adopts the "population" organisational and managerial approach, promoting a centralised coordination of oncological functions and activities with its primary focus on meeting the needs of citizens.

IRST and the AUSL of the Romagna promote a coordinated governance of oncology based on the principles of cooperation and collaboration between the nodes of the network, but the skills of the single centres and the proximity of care for all citizens are also encouraged (Comprehensive Cancer Care and Research Network).

The IRST project was born from a public-private alliance between non-profit organisations. The form chosen to organise IRST was that of a limited liability company (S.r.l.) with a majority public capital (governed by Legislative Decree 175/16). This is a non-profit company with the characteristics of a Social Enterprise, including the prohibition on the distribution of profits and the obligation to invest them in carrying out the institutional activities envisaged by the mission. In 2020 IRST was legally established as a publicly controlled private law company.

Since March 2012, IRST has been recognised as an institute for hospitalisation and care of a scientific nature (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico- IRCCS) for “Advanced Therapies in Medical Oncology”. IRST’s Radiotherapy and Skin Cancer Unit are its most recent sites to gain IRCCS status (Ministry of Health Decree of 9 August 2021).

The mission of the Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori 'Dino Amadori' - IRST Srl IRCCS is to fulfill its role as a reference centre in the field of oncology and tighten the link between treatment and research, guaranteeing quality, originality, innovation, and transferability of laboratory results into clinical practice. IRST was set up to give substance to a conviction: the fight against cancer can be won. The constant progress achieved in prevention, the effectiveness of the treatments, and the ongoing achievements of research, testify that what until a few years ago was only a faint hope, can now be a reality. IRST puts safety, respect for the person, and a patient-centered approach at the centre of every action and project, adhering to the principles of the National Health System: universality, equity, appropriateness, continuity of care, participation, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and cost-effectiveness.

The Biosciences Laboratory is the heart of research and advanced molecular diagnostics activities at IRST. The Laboratory is a multifunctional facility which, in its most recent organisational set-up, is divided into two macrostructures: the Advanced and Predictive Diagnostics Area and the Research Area, organised into six sectors. The Laboratory - which covers approximately 500 square metres - has state-of-the-art instrumentation for genetic analysis (sequencers), identification of biomarkers, the study of circulating tumour cells, deep imaging (confocal microscope), as well as an enclosure equipped for the use of the Zebrafish animal model.

IRST is partner in the ACC italian Patient-derived Cancer Model Collection (ACC-PCMC).

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