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Submit your PDCM to is an open, catalogue for patient derived cancer models.

Submit your PDCM data to CancerModels.Org to increase their visibility

To support the gathering of high-quality data, a metadata dictionary defines the data model used at it also provides details about some data validations performed at the time of submission. Metadata is categorised in six modules, which will be submitted as sheets in an EXCEL file.

Explore the details of the Metadata dictionary.

How to submit models to

Our data submission process happens in 4 major steps:

  1. Filling the templates:

    You can find our metadeta template on the Metadata Dictionary page. The metadata template is divided into 6 modules describing the minimal information about the model.

  2. Metadata validation:

    After filling the templates you can validate your model metadata using our validation service, which can be found here. Here's a guide on how to use the validator and to understand the errors you can refer to validation report and our data model by exploring the Metadata dictionary.

  3. Metadata and Data submission:

    You can submit your models to us by contacting CancerModels.Org team: submissions 

  4. Feedback and release:

    After submitting your models its time for you to relax, while we process your subnitted metadata. We will provide you with a report of your submission after agreement, we will make the release of the information.